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Praise & Worship: Psalm121, Psalm 122
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Isaiah 54:17
Confession: Isaiah 49:25-26, Colossians 2:15, Psalm 35:1-10

Father Lord, I am a sinner with unclean lips, Lord Jesus have mercy upon me. Everlasting Father, Everlasting Redeemer, any sin in my life that would hinder my prayer of getting answered today, Lord Jesus forgives me.

Anyone I have sinned against that I do not know about, Lord Jesus, forgive me in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father, your word declares it in the Isaiah 54:17 that “no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue which raises against me in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, says the Lord."

Heavenly Father, Everlasting Redeemer and the Most High God, based on your eternal word of God, I command all principalities, wizards, witches, marine spirit and evil priests chanting my name for evil to be consumed by the Mighty fire of God.

Any spirit of no God, anyone under going fasting against our Ministry should perish in Jesus name. Father Lord, thank you for your revelation.

Our God Our Father, the just will always overcomes the wicked. The power of light is above the power of darkness. God that answers by fire, Eternal Rock of Ages put the devil to shame. Father Lord, set the captive free from all evil bondage, devil free, you have no business here, I command you by the power of the Most high God to burn to ashes in the Mighty name of Jesus.

1. Any power secretly stealing good things from my life, your time has expired, so perish now in Jesus name.
2. Father Lord, let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul, let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
3. Lord Jesus, let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the Lord persecute them in the mighty name of Jesus.
4. For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have dug for my soul.
5. Let destruction come upon him unaware, and let his net that he hath hid catch himself, into that very destruction let him fall in Jesus name.
6. Father Lord, I reject every evil family ancestral name.
7. I break the power of any evil dedication ever placed on my head, every pledge, vow, promise or covenant ever made on my behalf with these spirits I renounce, reject them and cut myself off from them with the Blood of Jesus from all their evil consequences.
8. I soak my self with the Blood of Jesus
9. I soak my self with the Blood of Jesus
10. I soak my self with the Blood of Jesus
11. I cover my family with the Blood of Jesus
12. I cover my Ministry with the Blood of Jesus
13. My life, anchor to the promises of my Heavenly Father and be fruitful in Jesus name.
14. Any evil door opened in my life shall be sealed by the blood of Jesus.
15. Failure in my life shall be converted to success in Jesus name.
16. O Lord, help me not to be afraid to move forward in Jesus name.
17. The battle of impiety shall not catch up with me in the name of Jesus.
18. In Jesus name, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, thou ancient of days, the great I am that I am, the beginning and the end, thou ever faithful God, the Eternal Rock of Ages, thou God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, incomprehensible God, I declare your greatness, I declare your holiness, I reference your holy name, I declare your Lordship, from everlasting to everlasting you are God, Father Lord, as I mentioned of your name, every knee must bow, Lord Jesus receive all my thanks in Jesus name, Father Lord, I bow down my knees before you this moment, I stand against any soul against this prayer, I command in the name of the Father, in the name of the son, and the holy spirit, let that soul receive fire of God, in Jesus name.
19. Lord I am a sinner with unclean lips, I am full of guilt, in anyway and manner I have sinned against thee, in my movement and manner, despising my neighbor's and friends, Lord Jesus you are a merciful God, it is not your wish that I should perish, but I might have repentance, Father Lord, you promise me when your son Jesus Christ, died in the cross of Calvary, that you have forgiven all my sins, Lord remember not my sins, and forgive me completely in Jesus name, Lord Jesus your Blood make sinners to be clean, Lord have mercy upon me, according to your loving kindness, wash me truly from my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sins, sanctify me with the blood of Jesus Christ.. O God many people have risen against me, Lord you are the Mighty man in battle, arise and let my enemies scatter, according to your word in Psalm 68:1, I thank thee for thou has not let my enemies rejoice over me. Lord save me from witches and wizards, save my family form witches and wizards, save my parents from witches and wizards, save my friends from witches and wizards, save my ministry from witches and wizards, in the name of Jesus Christ, O Lord arise from your shakina glory and step into my life, my business, and all that around me, let all that the enemies have planted against me be destroyed in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
20. O Lord empower me to be above all my enemies, I use the Blood of Jesus to cleanse myself, .and I cover my family, my properties, my friends, my congregation, with the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus you are the altar and finisher of my faith, the battle is not mine but yours, you are the man of war; you never fought any battle and lost. I know that you will answer me, Father the hour has come to honor your word, answer me in Jesus name, wherever they have gathered against me, against my business, against my friends, against my congregations, in their coven, in the air, in the sea, on the land I command them to receive fire of God, in Jesus name. Jesus I command their entire works, plans, magical mirror which they are using to monitor my life to be destroyed in Jesus name. I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against all their works in every where they are operating I neutralize their evil works and plans upon my life in Jesus name. Every food of affliction which I have eaten and drunk shall be destroyed in Jesus name. Jehovah-Jireh, God of provision, you provided for Abraham, provide for me Lord, provide for my children, provide for my family, provide for my sisters, provide for my brothers, provide for my friends, provide for my business, provide for my congregation abun dantly in Jesus name.
21. Every curse that is against me from my forefathers, I nullified them by the blood of Jesus Christ. Every curse from every evil agent, from my Father’s family, from my Mother’s family shall be thou destroyed in Jesus name.
22. Lord I thank you for your grace and power that has protected me in my life, your mercies that never come to an end, your endless love, receive my thanks in Jesus name, Lord let all that I do today bring glory to your name in Jesus name.
23. Lord I claim all my blessings from the hands of the destroyer, I stand with your authority, against any spirit of disappointment, spirit of hatred in my life, in the lives of the members in my congregation, in Jesus name, be thou destroyed.
24. Lord when the wicked join hands against me scatter them by your fire in Jesus name.
25. Thou who answer all prayers answer me Lord. Thou who harkens to Daniels prayer and delivers him from the lion’s den, deliver me from the hands of those who are stronger than I am, in Jesus name.
26. The Father of the Fatherless shall be my Father in Jesus name.
27. Lord let disgrace and defeat to be evil strangers in my life.
28. Lord, let my case be too hot for them to handle in Jesus name.
29. Any power delegated to monitor me for evil, be destroyed in Jesus name.
30. Thou who gave favor to Joseph, favor me in Jesus name.
31. Lord let me be highly favored in Jesus name.
32. Let men favor me, let woman favor me, let old and young favor me in Jesus name.
33. Father Lord, let the fruit of my labor locate me in Jesus name.
34. Father Lord, any accusing demon that tries to hinder me from receiving my blessings be thou destroyed in Jesus name.
35. Any strange hand dragging my blessings with me shall wither in the name of Jesus.
36. Lord Jesus please remove every embargo on my way in Jesus name.
37. Lord let stagnant positions, disappointments, hatred and failures, be thou removed in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
38. Any error of death against me, against my wife, against my children, against my friends, against my congregation, be thou destroyed in the Mighty name of Jesus.
39. No weapon fashion against me shall prosper, for we shall not die, but live to declare the glory of God.
40. Blood of Jesus envelope me and my family in Jesus name.
41. Any Egyptian Goliath hindering my breakthroughs shall receive destruction, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
42. Remember me O Lord for good, cry Nehemiah, this also is my cry, let my cry be transformed to joy, Lord, you called Jacob by a new name when you bless him, Lord, may I be called by a new name, Lord you remembered Joseph and make him the head in Pharaohs house, Lord make me the head in Jesus name. I will be the head not the tail, the word of God has said, it must be so.
43. Lord Jesus, you transverse over the sea and slept unconcern, your command quieting the work of sea, every work of not moving forward, every work of barren ness, every work of hindrance, every work of setback, I command you to be quiet. You children of God, what is your fear, Jesus who dwelled in our boat shall make us laugh always in Jesus name.
44. O Lord it is written that we shall decree, and it shall be established, therefore as I am decreed in prayer establish it Lord in Jesus name.
45. Father Lord, let those who seek my down fall be gloried with shame, any spirit of not receiving favor from God, I destroy you in Jesus name.
46. O Lord destroy my enemies, Blood of Jesus cleanse me of evil marks, let me bear the marks of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Lord let the anointing of prosperity fall on me, Lord you know the end from the beginning let it be a new beginning for good to me. You are the Lord my maker whatever I'm doing prosper it and curry over, in my life curry over, in my carrier curry over, all the evil plans of the enemies towards me, I will overcome them all with the blood of the lamb, let the angels of your presence guide and save me, you said you will give your angels charge over me, to guide me least I dash my foot against a stone, may your angels guide me con tinually in Jesus name.
47. Jesus save me from death, save me from sickness, save me from trouble, save me from all evil, disperse, all satanic war, witches and wizards war and marine war, and let them be vanquished in Jesus name.
48. The God of victory send your angel of victory to be near me, rise up early with your deadly weapon to fight for me.
49. Jehovah-Jireh, God who conquers all witches and wizards, conquer and destroy them. Lord I need your presence every passing minute, and any evil eye upon my life, Lord brined that evil eye in Jesus name.
50. Father Lord, You are the fountain of the Eternal life whose beams despise the shade of darkness, any shade of darkness in my life, in my business, in my home, in my ministry be thou despised in Jesus name.
51. I reject every spirit of setback and failure dedicated to me by household enemies; I crush their spirit in Jesus name.
52. Heavenly Father, Everlasting Redeemer I thank you for your divine shield upon my life, my family, my friends and my congregations in the Matchless name of Jesus.
53. Father Lord, I thank you for answering my prayer today in Jesus name.

Defeating Spirit of Stagnancy
Praise & Worship: Psalm121, Psalm 122
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Isaiah 54:17
Confession: Isaiah 49:25-26, Colossians 2:15, Psalm 35:1-10

This prayer is my special gift filled with thanks and love, to every saved and unsaved household.

There is not a single household that this giant spirit has not tormented.

The Spirit of Stagnancy has afflicted every household one way or another. This giant Spirit travels with multiple Spirits specialized in tormenting many lives, either through spirit of failure, spirit of financial hardship, spirit of financial devourer,  spirit of infirmities, spirit of barrenness, spirit of frustration, spirit of disappointments, spirit of drug addiction, spirit of alcohol addiction, spirit of murderer, spirit of theft, spirit of gender confusion, spirit of setbacks, spirit of gambling, spirit of prostitution, spirit of bestiality, spirit of pedophilia, spirit of marital failures, spirit of incubus and succubus, witchcraft, and many more Raging Spirits.  Thanks to all of our partners and supporters for making it possible to spread the good news and to fight the evil throne around the globe. Get your copy of the book as it talks about how to fight the evil throne step by step.  God richly bless you.



Defeating Spirit of Stagnancy


What is a Spirit of Stagnancy?

Spirit of Stagnancy is one of the higher ranking evil warrior-spirits in the spiritual realm that fights with almost everybody, born again and non-born-again. This high ranking, raging spirit operates with few other associate demons that attack people in every aspect in life.

Spirit of Stagnancy travels with:

·         Spirit of Hardship

·         Spirit of Failure

·         Spirit of Financial Devourer

·         Spirit of Frustration

·         Spirit of Loneliness

·         Spirit of Disappointment

·         Spirits of Embarrassment, Shame, and Disgrace

·         Spirit of Stealing

·         Spirit of Barrenness

·         Spirit of Confusion

·         Spirit of Infirmities   

·         Spirit of Suicide

·         Spirit of Almost There

·         Spirit of Gambling

·         Spirit of Destiny Destroyer

·         Spirits of Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

·         Spirit of Apathy

Any one of these raging spirits is a serious problem to deal with when it attacks your life.

Imagine all these raging Spirits attacking you at the same time?

There are many people who goes insane because of the attacks of these raging spirits making their life incredibly uncomfortable.

Many times the sin from our Ancestors causes these raging Spirits to attach to us. Some people also get these sprits in their life from spoken and unspoken curses placed on them. Some also accidentally get introduced to or attached to these raging spirits through a covenant in the spirit realm through a friend or a neighbor.

Ways to detach from these raging Spirits: 

·         Surround your life with God completely – Bible study, prayer, godly people.

·         Refrain from repeated and habitual sins – habitual sin is willful disobedience to biblical principles. You know what is right, but you disregard it and do the things that makes God grieve. Reject that behavior and ask God to help you keep on rejecting until the habit disappears. It will. I promise.

·         Refrain from idol worshipping – idols are anything you put in God’s place. That can be anything: money, home, children, and yes, even church work besides the obvious pornography, alcohol, drugs, occult, etc.

·         Seek spiritual deliverance to get all covenant and curses broken.

These are Spiritual Warfare issues; it takes prayer, fasting, and the word of the Lord to be completely be set free from the hands of the wicked. You are setting biblical habits in place of the evil habits.

When you seek deliverance with God’s help, you weaken the evil spirits and release the Holy Spirit’s power within you.

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, “declares the Lord.

~ Isaiah 54:17

Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity. Therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.

~ Deuteronomy 28:47-48

For the Lord God is a sun and shield, the Lord bestowed favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.  

~ Psalm 84:11

Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and successful.

~ Joshua 1:8

The man become rich, and his wealth continue to grow until he became very wealthy.

~ Genesis 26:13

Prayer to defeat the spirits of stagnancy

1.      Father Lord, I ask for forgiveness, anyone I have sinned against and I do not know about, Lord Jesus forgive me in Jesus’ mighty name. God that answers by fire, every sin in my life that would hinder my prayer of getting answered Heavenly Father, forgive me in Jesus’ mighty name.

2.      Father Lord, break every unspoken curse upon my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

3.      Heavenly Father, turn every curse upon my life into blessings in Jesus’ mighty name.

4.      Raging Spirits on assignment against my life, thunder fire of God destroys them without recognition in Jesus’ mighty name.

5.      Everlasting Redeemer, deliver me from satanic diversion in Jesus’ mighty name.

6.      You evil load owner, carry your own evil load in Jesus’ mighty name.

7.      Father arise in your anger and scatter my attackers in Jesus’ mighty name.

8.      Father Lord, visit the camp of my enemies in Jesus’ mighty name.

9.      Thunder fire of God, destroy every demonic plantation after my destiny in Jesus’ mighty name.

10.  Raging Spirits on assignment against my life, hear me and hear me well, my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

11.  Unseen forces prolonging stagnant over my life, thunder fire of God destroy them completely in Jesus’ mighty name.

12.  I set my self-free from every power of backwardness in Jesus’ mighty name.

13.  I set my self-free from every power of setback and failure in Jesus’ mighty name.

14.  I break every bondage of stagnancy over my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

15.  Witchcraft powers summoning my name in the coven, thunder fire of God, destroy the coven completely in Jesus’ mighty name.

16.  Anti-Witchcraft promotion powers after my life die in Jesus’ mighty name.

17.  I rebuke and paralyze every anti-Witchcraft agenda over my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

18.  Thunder fire of God, burn every garment of shame and failure in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

19.  Thunder fire of God, burn and destroy every garment of infirmities upon my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

20.  Thunder fire of God, burn and destroy every garment of dry waters in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

21.  Thunder fire of God, burn and destroy every garment of mountain before me in Jesus’ mighty name.

22.  Evil owner of evil load of infirmities upon my life, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I command you to carry you own evil load of infirmities in Jesus’ mighty name.

23.  Financial devourer, hear me and hear me well, my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

24.  You Spirit of Shame and Disgrace hear me and hear me well; my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

25.  Father Lord, calm every storm in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

26.  Every yoke of Frustration, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

27.  Every yoke of Confusion, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

28.  Every yoke of backwardness, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

29.  Every yoke of setback, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

30.  Every yoke of financial devourer, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

31.  Every yoke of hardship and disappointments, break by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

32.  Heavenly Father, restore everything that Spirit of Stagnancy has stolen from me tenfold in Jesus’ mighty name.

33.  Weather my enemies like it or not I shall move forward by fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

34.  Evil powers giving mandate to frustrate my life and family die in Jesus’ mighty name.

35.  I reject unseen forces of frustration and stagnation upon my life and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

36.  Thunder fir of God destroy every power holding my life stagnant in Jesus’ mighty name.

37.  Thunder fire of God, break every padlock and evil chains over my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

38.  Father Lord break every yoke of stagnancy upon my life and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

39.  Demonic garment of failure upon my life catch fire of God in Jesus’ mighty name.

40.  Heavenly Father, open all close doors around my life and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

41.  Everlasting Redeemer, send me financial helpers to help me and my family in Jesus’ mighty name.

42.  I bind every spirit of financial devourer on assignment against my finances and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

43.  I bind and paralyze every financial hindrance upon my family in Jesus’ mighty name.

44.  Blessings of wealth over whelm my family in Jesus’ mighty name.

45.  Father Lord, give me business breakthrough in Jesus’ mighty name.

46.  I release myself and family from every financial hindrance in Jesus’ mighty name.

47.   Father Lord cancel all debts in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

48.  Father Lord, turn every curse of hardship in my life into blessings in Jesus’ mighty name.

49.  Father Lord, change my story today weather my enemies likes it or not give me a testimony in Jesu mighty name.

50.  Financial hardship my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

51.  Financial hindrance my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

52.  Financial devourer harassing my family collide with the Rock of Ages in Jesus’ mighty name.

53.  Failure and disappointments hear me and hear me well my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ mighty name.

54.  Heavenly Father let your face shine upon my finances and business in Jesus’ mighty name.

55.  Father Lord, brings those who will help me in my fiancés into my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

56.  Heavenly Father, let your mighty favor rain my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

57.  Blessings of God, favor of God, financial blessings of God, take charge take control over my life and family in Jesus’ mighty name.

58.  By fire by fire, angels of blessings take charge take control over my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

59.  By fire by fire angels of shame, failure and disappointment, swallow fire of God, and burn to ashes in Jesus’ mighty name.

60.  Heavenly Father I thank you for delivering me from financial hardship in the hands of the wicked in Jesus’ mighty name.

61.  Every soul-tie of Spirit of Depression upon my life receives thunder fire of God Almighty.

62.  Spirit of Setback holding my life bondage loses its grip in my life in Jesus’ name.

63.  Conscious and unconscious holding me in the camp of sadness catches fire of God in Jesus’ name.

64.  Spirit of Failure attacking my life, die in Jesus’ name.

65.  Spirit of Disappointments attached to my destiny, break loose in Jesus’ name.

66.  Spirit of Frustration bargaining for my life, die in Jesus’ name.

67.  Spirit of Evil attached to my destiny, catch fire of God in Jesus’ name.

68.  Spirit of Loneliness, I am not your candidate; perish now in Jesus’ name.

69.  Every covenant of sadness and disappointments upon my life, I break your vows in Jesus’ name.

70.  Every covenant of frustration and loneliness upon my destiny, I break your vows in Jesus’ name.

71.  Every covenant of evil upon my life, die in Jesus’ name.

72.  Foundational bondage of loneliness over my life, break loose in Jesus’ name.

73.  Every evil power had has demoted me into the camp of loneliness, catch fire of God in Jesus’ name.

74.  Every incantation and ritual working against my life, be cancelled now in Jesus’ name.

75.  Every agreement of family idols over my life, die in Jesus’ name.

76.  Every agreement of Spirit of Loneliness holding my life bondage, catch fire of God in Jesus’ name.

77.  Heavenly Father, wherever the evil has placed my destiny, return it back to its original position in Jesus’ name.

78.  Yoke of loneliness upon my life, break loose in Jesus’ name.

79.  Yoke of frustration upon my life, break loose in Jesus’ name.

80.  Yoke of disappointments upon my life, break loose in Jesus’ name.

81.  Yoke of evil cries upon my life, break loose in Jesus’ name.

82.  Yoke of “I don’t want to be bothered upon my destiny,” break loose in Jesus’ name.

83.  Yoke of “leave me alone upon my destiny,” break loose in Jesus’ name.

84.  Yoke of sadness upon my life, break lose in Jesus’ name.

85.  Heavenly Father sends me a Godly spouse in Jesus’ name.

86.  Any powers inciting my divine partners against me, catch fire of God almighty in Jesus’ precious name.

87.  I shall be set free from the hands of the Spirit of Loneliness whether my enemies like it or not in Jesus’ name.

88.  I shall be set free from the hands of the Spirit of Stagnancy whether my enemies like it or not in Jesus’ name.

89.  Jehovah Lord, I thank You for answering my prayer in Jesus’ name.

90.  Amen.


You must command the evil spirits to leave you.

You must continue to rebuke them seven times; by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, they will leave you in Jesus’ name.

You evil spirits that cause me to be bound to the attacks of Spirit of Stagnancy, Spirit of Frustrations, Spirit of Sadness, Spirit of Disappointments, Spirit of Drug Addiction, Spirit of Alcoholism, Spirit of Failure, Spirit of Gambling, Spirit of Theft, Spirit of Almost There but never reaches the destination, Spirit of Hardship, Spirit of Financial Devourer and Spirit of Apathy I destroy you and all of your destroyers over my life, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I renounce you and all your associate demons; I command you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to lose your grip and release me and my marriage now; by the thunder fire of God, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


Let God Be God in your Life
Praise & Worship: Psalm121, Psalm 122
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Isaiah 54:17
Confession: Isaiah 49:25-26, Colossians 2:15, Psalm 35:1-10

Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. – John 14:6

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23

For many are called, but few are chosen. – Matthew 22:14

We must make the right decision—don’t satisfy Satan. Align yourself into God’s truth.

There are many of us that act as if we know Jesus as our Savior, and pretend we are Christians, but deep inside we know we are not. It is just that we want to fit into the church society, be like everyone else. Since everyone around us is a Christian, we fake it so we’ll be acknowledged and fit into the group. But, we haven’t submitted our life to Christ to receive Him as our personal Savior and Lord.

How to accept Jesus Christ and be saved?

I pray that the mighty power of the Holy Spirit will pierce through your heart and bring you face to face with Christ. He is pleading on your behalf, and ready to accept you just as you are away from the bargaining of Satan and his demons. His great desire is to give you a new life. All who receive Christ, to them He gives the authority to become the children of God—those who believe in His name. Today is the day the good Lord has made for you to believe in Him, to receive his mighty power and the authority He has given us.

Everlasting Redeemer, I pray that You will help us with our unbeliefs. Let salvation be a part of our lives in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen.

Jesus Christ is Our Father, who is waiting to save you. He saves everyone who will come to Him. When you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died for your sins, and when you are willing to accept Him as your God and Savior, you just need to pray for forgiveness and accept Him into your life. He will come into your heart, and make a new creation of new life.

If you truly believe and accept Him as your personal savior, you will be born again in the body of Christ and belong to Him forever. It will happen when you genuinely accept Jesus Christ as your savior and God. Let us pray for Salvation, and accept Jesus Christ into our lives.

So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in Heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. – Philippians 2:10-11


Salvation Prayer:

Father Lord, I am a sinner; I ask for forgiveness.

Any sin in my life that would hinder my prayer from being answered, Jehovah Lord, forgive me in Jesus’ name.

Jesus, I believe that you bore all of my sins and died for me on the cross of Calvary.

Father Lord, wash away all my sins, and cleanse me with your Son’s blood, the blood of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.

You are born again in the ways of Christ.

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and God, you have also given Him authority over your life. The best way of getting closer to our Father, and live Christ-like is to read the Holy Bible daily and pray with it.

Here are some helpful Bible passages to pray:

The Lord is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him; my Father’s God, and I will extol Him. – Exodus 15:2

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. – Psalm 18:2

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble. – Psalm 37:39

But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, at an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness of Your loving kindness, answer me with Your saving truth. – Psalm 69:13

By accepting Jesus Christ as your savor, you will turn your life in a better direction with Almighty God to live with Him not only here on earth but everlastingly in Heaven.

God Bless you for accepting Him as your personal savior and Lord.

Destroying Monitoring Spirits
Praise & Worship: Psalm121, Psalm 122
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Isaiah 54:17
Confession: Isaiah 49:25-26, Colossians 2:15, Psalm 35:1-10

What is a monitoring spirit?

Are they real? 

Yes, they are real. They work together with familiar spirits!

The Bible tells us that Paul and Silas and other followers of Jesus Christ were followed by a demonic spirit. This spirit was used to monitor their movements and report back on the things they were doing, this spirit is a monitoring spirit.

Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.

~ Acts 16:16-18

The Bible tells us about them.

Give no regards to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.

~ Leviticus 19:31

And the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.

~ Leviticus 20:6

A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them

~ Leviticus 20:27

The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, and they will consult the idols and the charmers, the mediums, and the sorcerers.

~ Isaiah 19:3 

Are the unseen monitoring powers overwhelming your life?

Have you tried to get married but somehow, any time you plan to move forward something horrible happens that will send you back to square one?

Have you tried to save money to move forward in life, but any time money comes into your hands something will happen that the money will end up in a useless assignment?

Have you tried to get a job, but anytime you go for an interview something happens and that employer finds an excuse to give the job to someone else?

There are demons assigned to monitor your life.

Many of us have limits on what we can do in life because our ancestors set these limits that travel in our lineage from previous generations.

You may have acquired the degrees needed for better employment or to start your own business, but these limits are on your foundation, and the assigned, monitoring spirits make sure you cannot exceed these limits.  The assigned demons are already at warrior level in the demon world hierarchy. They are higher powers; you don’t assign junior demons to monitor a foundational curse.

These warriors, of course, still have higher demons they report to if they encounter a strong believer that tries to take them out of their assignment. But in general, these assigned demons are warriors, and their assignment is to make sure they enforce the curse or issue they are monitoring.

Some people are able to get good jobs, but can never have a happy home, or family.

Some people are able to achieve a family but fail in every other step they take.

Some are financially secure but addicted to drugs, alcohol, or gambling.

Some are living comfortable lives, but are only attracted to prostitution, pedophilia, or gender confusion lifestyle rather than wholesome homelife, either married or single.

These are all evil manipulations that control innocent lives.

We have two kinds of monitoring Spirits.

1. Familiar Spirit

2. Appointed demon.

The familiar spirit helps witches and the wicked in the evil things they do. These spirits also monitor to make sure these wicked people stay true to their vows to follow Satan.

The appointed demon receives its legal authority from our ancestors’ willful sin. It has been assigned to reinforce a curse in each generation. The demon's assignment is to make sure each cursed individual is affected by the curse.

Sometimes the individual the assigned demon is monitoring, can get a breakthrough because of his or her faithfulness to God. Therefore, many doors tend to be opened for such a faithful and obedient to God individual.

On the other hand, something will happen that the individual may slip. For example, the individual may have been a married person, things are going well, but perhaps a generational curse is that her mother was from a broken home, or her Father was from a broken home. Because there was a curse that prevented such family to have a peaceful marital home, it is passed down from generation to generation.

Perhaps this person is successful financially career wise but is a failure in his marriage. Why? Because the curse hasn’t been broken, therefore it is still running down the lineage. Unless the curse is broken, such an individual is not able to have a peaceful life style.  This is just one example.  The same thing can apply to drugs or alcohol addiction, or sexual perversion polygamy, etc.

Once the individual finds the issue in their foundation, they can then work on it to save their children and generations to come. The only way to be set free from such demonic attacks is through aggressive prayer, fasting, and meditation on the word of the Lord.

And take the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

~ Ephesians 6:17

Prayer destroying monitoring spirits

Father Lord, I ask for forgiveness. God Almighty, forgive me of any sin I have sinned against Thee, and deliver me from the hands of the spirit of monitoring spirits. I know deep inside me the devil has been using me through spirit of failure, spirit of depression, spirit of disappointment, spirit of embarrassment, spirit of setbacks, spirit of barrenness, spirit of impotence, spirit of problems, spirit of fighting, spirit of unfaithfulness, spirit of sexual perversion, spirit of polygamy, spirit of gender confusion, spirit of alcoholism, spirit of drug abuse, spirit of anger, devourer of financial health and spirit of bitterness. Lord Jesus, blind these spirits and bind them from harming me. Help me. Set me free as I am tired of Satan controlling my life and my family.

God Almighty, I know You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins; I accept You as my personal Savor and Lord. Heavenly Father, touch my life, touch my family’s life, and destroy any filthy garment Satan has prepared for us. Everlasting Redeemer, any satanic fountain running riot in my life, let it dry up now in Jesus’ name. Satanic overflowing river running over my finances, dry up now in Jesus’ name. Demonic overflowing river running riot in my carrier, catch fire of God and dry up now in Jesus’ name. Rivers of satanic banks overflowing in my family, catch fire of God and dry up now in Jesus’ name. Father Lord, take absolute control in every department in my family and my life and heal me where I need healing, transform me where I need transformation, and deliver me where I need deliverance; in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.      

1.      Any stranger of sorrow after my life, carry your own load in Jesus’ mighty name.

2.      Heavenly Father, every embargo, every limitation placed on my life, break such limits by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

3.      Ancestral limits in my foundation, I break your covenant by fire, in Jesus’ mighty name.

4.      Spirit of limitations attacking my life, release my destiny now in Jesus’ name.

5.      Father Lord release me from every unseen rope tying me in one spot in Jesus’ mighty name.

6.      Powers of the night attacking my destiny, thunder fire of God, destroy them without recognition in Jesus’ name.

7.      Powers assign to turn my life upside down die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

8.      Occurring problems following me around from one place to another caught fire of God in Jesus’ mighty name.

9.      Father Lord disappoint my enemies in the name of Jesus.

10.  Unseen powers working against my laughter die in Jesus’ name.

11.  Glory killers you are a liar, my life is not your candidate die in Jesus’ name.
Darkness in my Father’s house die in Jesus’ name.

12.  Power swallowing my favor die in Jesus’ name.

13.  Monitoring spirits over my property die in Jesus’ name.

14.  Familiar spirit assigned to follow me around; your assignment is over die in Jesus’ mighty name.

15.  Every throne of the evil monitoring spirits is dismantled by fire in Jesus’ name.

16.  Every coven with my picture, catch fire in Jesus’ mighty name.

17.  Every satanic mirror operating in my life explode in Jesus’ name.

18.  Father Lord let the weapons of the wicked over my life die in Jesus’ name.

19.  Every communication systems used by monitoring spirits over my life be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

20.  Heavenly Father let every communication system of familiar spirits begin to work against themselves in Jesus’ name.

21.  I withdraw every part of my body from the evil coven in Jesus’ name.

22.  Power of God creates confusion anywhere my picture is been taken in Jesus’ mighty name.

23.  Every witchcraft coven harboring my destiny receive the fire of God in Jesus’ name.

24.  Altar of witchcraft operating over my foundation catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.

25.  Heavenly Father turns every curse upon my life into glory and blessings in Jesus’ mighty name.

26.  Every work of witchcraft, over my family, be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

27.  Demonic powers affecting my destiny catch fire in Jesus’ name.

28.  Father Lord blindfold every familiar spirit monitoring my progress in Jesus’ name.

29.  Evil powers surrounding my life die in Jesus’ name.

30.  Thunder fire of God; destroy anything of no God, in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.
I break every spoken and unspoken satanic curse placed upon my life.

31.  I break every demonic blood covenant willingly and unwillingly in Jesus’ mighty name.

32.  Evil forces of the night tormenting my life, your assignment is over die in Jesus’ mighty name.

33.  Witchcraft frying for my sake crash land and die in Jesus’ mighty name.

34.  Evil bird following me around by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ die in Jesus’ mighty name.

35.  Heavenly Father, burn anything of not-God in my life in Jesus’ mighty name.

36.  Every filthy garment in my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus’ mighty name.

37.  Every evil mask covering my face catch fire of God and burn to ashes in Jesus’ mighty name.

38.  Any monitoring spirit following me around die in Jesus’ mighty name.

39.  Unseen demons following me around die in Jesus’ mighty name.

40.  Anywhere my name is being mention for evil, Heavenly Father let fire appears and consumed them in Jesus’ mighty name.

41.  Everlasting Redeemer, encircle my life with your thunder fire everywhere I go in Jesus’ mighty name.

42.  Father Lord, I thank you for answering my prayer in Jesus’ mighty name.

43.  Everlasting Redeemer, I pray that You, will help us to set aside our unbelief’s and let salvation be a part of our lives in Jesus matchless name. Amen.



You must command the evil spirits to leave you.

You must continue to rebuke them seven times; by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, they will leave you in Jesus’ name.

You evil spirits that cause me to be bound to the attacks of monitoring spirits, I renounce you and all your associate demons, such as spirit of Failure, spirit of disappointments, spirit of depression, spirit of disgrace, spirit of frustration, spirit of setbacks, spirit of infirmities, spirit of gender manipulation, spirit husband and spirit wife, spirit of drug abuse, spirit of alcoholism, spirit of anger and bitterness, spirit of financial devourer, spirit of theft and all your works in my life; I command you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to lose your grip and release me and my family now by the thunder fire of God, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

The Attack of the Jezebel Spirit
Praise & Worship: Psalm121, Psalm 122
Scripture Reading: Psalm 23, Isaiah 54:17
Confession: Isaiah 49:25-26, Colossians 2:15, Psalm 35:1-10

Who is this Spirit of Jezebel that gets into every man’s business? Is it true she destroys marriages? It is true she actually confuses many ministers so that they tend to forget what they need to preach about? Is it true that she holds the power over many lives?

Who is this Jezebel spirit? How come she is so powerful? Where did she come from? Is it true she charms many men with seduction?

Why does she frustrate and destroy so many marriages? How is she able to seduce both married and single men as her slaves? How can we get rid of her? Is it true she is in every church? Can this spirit get into Christians? Does she only come from satanic worship?

Let’s hear what the word of the Lord says about the spirit of Jezebel.

But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads my bondservants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality. Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. And I will kill her children with pestilence, and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds. – Revelation 2:20-23

Jezebel uses tools of manipulation, intimidation, and domination against men.

She is very good at wearing flashy clothes—clothes that get attention. Today she has many agents that follow her steps in many churches, causing all sorts of problems, confusion, and sexual attention. Her clothes confuse men at church, turning many churches today into a satanic playground. The agents will come to your church with one agenda: they will first attack the minister with flashy, short skirts, confusing the worship and trying to overthrow the worship of God. Many ministers have accidentally fallen under the domination of Jezebel allowing Jezebel to control the church.

The spirits of Jezebel are very powerful, and should be taboo in churches. They will come to the minister for counseling with almost no clothes on, and make sure they sit in such a way that the minister will lose track of the theme being addressed. She is specialized as a seductress, adulteress, fornicator, and in perverted sexual lifestyle that controls many married and single men. She is worse than a home wrecker and a home destroyer because she invades the minds and hearts of men and women specifically to destroy godly relationships. I’ve seen many powerful evil spirits destroying homes, but nothing like Jezebel. She actually comes with a master plan full of surprises.

Because His judgments are true and righteous, for He has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the Earth with her immortality, and He has avenged the blood of His bondservants on her. – Revelation 19:2

Jezebel calls herself a prophetess according to the Holy Bible, but she is a false prophetess. Jezebel is a seducer; she seduces others into spiritual fornication with her. She pronounces a false doctrine that is pleasing to the people’s ear, tickling their ears with half-truths. Jezebel was a liar, and the spirit called after her name is no different. She weaves just enough truth into a doctrine to make it sound right when it is actually full of lies aimed at deception and division. 

This Jezebel spirit is never satisfied with what she has. She always demands gratification and to be fawned over. She always offers her body and love on everything around her.

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Mat it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “The two shall become one flesh.” But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him. – 1 Corinthians 6:15-17

Jezebel loves to glorify herself. This demon causes many women to be miserable, clueless, and unrepentant. The women controlled by this spirit live a sensuous lifestyle never caring about the men they seduce or the homes they destroy.

To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, “I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.” – Revelation 18:7

Now, then, hear this, you sensual one, who dwells securely, who says in your heart, “I am, and there is no one besides me. I will not sit as a widow, nor know loss of children.” – Isaiah 47:8

Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. – Revelation 3:17

Any outside force controls no one unless he or she allows it. The problem is that many men allow lust to pervade their thoughts, and the spirit of lust has a grip on their lives. For example, once they enter into their secret places where no one is watching, they begin to watch pornographic movies, Internet porn videos, and viewing pornographic magazines. This causes increases feelings of lust opens the door to seduction, and it leads them astray. They have given power to the spirits of Jezebel to control their lives.

Jezebel spirit cannot deceive you without seducing you first. She travels with many associate spirits such as Lust, Seduction, Fornication, Sexual Perversion, Gender Manipulation, Prostitution and Unnatural Sexual Urges, Error, and the spirits of witchcraft addiction and bondage.

If a man is not spiritually sound, these evil spirits will start playing tricks and games in his mind, making him think he needs something special that his spouse or girlfriend doesn’t have, and this leads him into destruction. Each and every one of these spirits is a home wrecker, specializing in giving you infirmities and crippling your marriage or your relationships.

Many powerful men, presidents of many businesses, organizations, high priests, and elders and leaders of the church all have been under the skirt of Jezebel. Many are trying to leave the Jezebel lifestyle, but the spirit is so powerful that the more they try to leave, the more they get introduced to a new agent of Jezebel with a different approach making it impossible to be set free.

I pray that no matter how deep of a pit you are in, no matter how deep under Jezebel’s domination, today by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, you will be set free in Jesus’ name. Amen.

To deliver you from the strange woman, from the adulteress who flatters with her words… – Proverbs 2:16

For the lips of an adulteress drip honey and smoother than oil is her speech… – Proverbs 5:3

For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress and embrace the bosom of a foreigner? – Proverbs 5:20

To keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the adulteress … – Proverbs 6:24



Lord Jesus, I ask for forgiveness. Heavenly Father, I am a sinner, I have sinned against Thee.

Jehovah Lord, forgive and deliver me from the hands of the oppressors. I know deep inside me the Jezebel spirits and all associates are using me through spirits of sexual perversion. Lord Jesus, help me, set me free. I am tired of Satan controlling my life and marriage. Jesus of Nazareth, I know You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins. I accept You as my personal Savior and Lord. Heavenly Father, touch my life and destroy any filthy, satanic activities in my life. Lord Jesus, take absolute control over every department in my life. Father Lord, deliver me from the hands of the spirits of Jezebel and all the rest of these wicked demons in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1.         Every associate demon of Jezebel harassing my life, die in Jesus’ name.

2.         All curses of Jezebel spirit and her demons attacking my life break by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

3.         I bind and cancel every plan of Jezebel’s over my life in Jesus’ name.

4.         Break loose, all spirit of Jezebel’s attacks in any department in my life, in Jesus’ name.

5.         Spirit of Jezebel’s influence manifesting in my life, I cancel your activities now by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

6.         My soul ties with the evil spirit of Jezebel break loose in Jesus’ name.

7.         Spirit of Jezebel’s seeds in my life come out with your entire roots in Jesus’ name.

8.         Powers of Jezebel controlling my life die in Jesus’ name.

9.         Holy Ghost fire, burn to ashes every spirit of Jezebel’s activity operating over my heart in Jesus’ name.

10.     I bind and cancel every spirit of seduction attacking my life in Jesus’ name.

11.     I bind and cancel every spirit of sexual perversion attacking my life in Jesus’ name.

12.     I bind and cancel every spirit of sexual addiction operating in my life in Jesus’ name.

13.     I rinse my eyes with the blood of Jesus Christ against desires leading me into ungodly troubles in Jesus’ name.

14.     Associate demons of Jezebel following me around die in Jesus’ name.

15.     Every vow of Jezebel spirit over my life I cancel it now in Jesus’ name.

16.     Every covenant of Jezebel over my life, I break and cancel it now in Jesus’ name.

17.     Sex demons playing games in my sex life die in Jesus’ name.

18.     Spirit of sexual perversion attacking my soul lose your hold over me in Jesus’ name.

19.     Blood of Jesus Christ destroy every seed of Jezebel operating within me in Jesus’ name.

20.     Evil plantation of sexual riot inside me come out with your entire roots in Jesus’ name.

21.     Sexual urges running riot in my blood come out of me completely in Jesus’ name.

22.     I stand with the power of God against every power of sex addiction challenging my life in Jesus’ name.

23.     Every strange power controlling my life catches the fire of God.

24.     Every strange power controlling my spouse catches the fire of God.

25.     Lion of Judah, pursue and destroy every Jezebel spirit destroying my marriage in Jesus’ name.

26.     Fire of God scatters the sex demons away from my life in Jesus’ name.

27.     Fire of God scatter sex demons away from my spouse’s life in Jesus’ name.

28.     Father Lord, let every manifestation of hindrance upon my life be departed in Jesus’ name.

29.     Demons crushing the relationship between my spouse and me be rendered powerless in Jesus’ name.

30.     God of a new beginning begin a new thing in my life in Jesus’ name.

31.     God of a new beginning begin a new thing in my marriage in Jesus’ name.

32.     God Almighty, create a wall of fire between spirit husband and spirit wife in my marriage in Jesus’ name.

33.     Heavenly Father, locate and destroy household wickedness controlling my marriage in Jesus’ name.

34.     Every blood covenant between spirits of Jezebel and me break now by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

35.     Every vow made between the spirits of household wickedness and me break now by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

36.     Evil vow between my spouse and the sex demons break now by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

37.     All covenants made over my marriage by the spirits of destruction break now in Jesus’ name.

38.     Everlasting Redeemer, speak for me and answer all powers asking where my God is.

39.     Jehovah Yahweh, I paralyze all marriage destroyers and the anti-marriage forces in Jesus’ name.

40.     Lord Jesus, let every demon’s bands of bondage be removed from my marriage completely in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ

41.     Spirit of alcoholism leading me into Jezebel’s kingdom, catch the fire of God in Jesus’ name.

42.     Every trap of Jezebel calling my name, backfire and perish in God’s holy fire.

43.     Demons of Jezebel bargaining for my life die in Jesus’ name.

44.     I break every spell of Jezebel over my life in Jesus’ name.

45.     Jezebel spirit within me leading me into destruction wherever I go, die now in Jesus’ name.

46.     My life anchors to the Glory of God in Jesus’ name.

47.     Fire of God, burn everything of no God within me into ashes in Jesus’ name.

48.     Fire of God destroys every sexual urge following me around in Jesus’ name.

49.     Jehovah Lord, I thank You for the deliverance of delivering me from the hands of Jezebel spirit and her demons in Jesus’ name.

50.     Amen.


You must command the evil spirits to leave you.

You must continue to rebuke them seven times by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and they will leave you in Jesus’ name.

You evil spirits that cause me to be bound to the attacks of destroying my marriage, I destroy you and all of your destroyers over my marriage, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I renounce you and all your associate demons, and all your works in my life; I command you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ to lose your grip and release my marriage and me now by the thunder fire of God, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


Praise & Worship: Leviticus 18:6
Scripture Reading: Leviticus 18:6; Leviticus 18:23; Leviticus 20:12; Leviticus 18:7; Leviticus 18:8;
Leviticus 18:9; Leviticus 18:10; Leviticus 18:11; Leviticus 18:14; Leviticus 18:15; Leviticus 18:17;
Leviticus 18:18; Leviticus 18:20; Leviticus 20:17; Jude 1:6-8; 1 Corinthians 6:9
Confessions: 1 Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites 1 Corinthians 6:9 (NKJV)

No Evangelist, I don't want to hear about it.
Because…. You see, every body is doing it, and even my Pastor is doing it, and I don’t see anything wrong with that, even my Boss at work does it as well…!

Many people think having sex with animals is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Father is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Mother is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Daughter is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Son is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Neighbor’s wife is ok.
Many of us think having sex with our Neighbor’s husband is ok.
Many of us Evangelists, Reverends, Pastors, Prophets, Prophetess, Apostles and Bishops, think having sex with our congregation members is ok.
All Religions and from all Denominations, regardless of our faith and beliefs, think having sex with anyone and everyone is ok.
Many of us who are in high positions of power, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors, Sr. Managers, Managers and Supervisors think it is ok to take advantage and sleep with others in our organizations.


Everlasting Father HEALS Our NATION from Sexual Perversion.

Heavenly Father, I thank you.

Jehovah El-Shaddai, I magnified your name.

Adonai Master, I glorified your name.

Jehovah Nissi, I thank you for delivering our nation from sexual perversion.

Eternal Rock of Ages, I thank you for healing our nation and our leaders from sexual perversion.

Father Lord, glory be to your name, glory be to your name in Jesus name.

Our God, Our Father, any sin in my life that would hinder my prayer of getting answered today, Jehovah Elohim, forgives me.

Jehovah Jireh, anyone I have sinned against that I do not know about, Jehovah Eloheenu forgives me in Jesus name.

1. I declare myself a Nazareth separated unto God by the special grace of God.
2. Father Lord, release your power into my inner being and consecrate me for your work.
3. Power to fulfill my calling as a Jehovah champion, fall upon me now in Jesus name.
4. Spirit of Samson's passions, release me now in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, do not allow my environment to become an engine that will treat my special call with disdain in Jesus name.
6. As I fulfill my Nazareth vow, my inner being shall not be out of control in Jesus name
7. O Lord let my life resemble these heroes of the faith.
8. O Lord, give me a passion and zeal for the house of God.
9. Every sensual passion running riot in my life, I subdue by the power of Almighty God.
10. Father Lord, let your holy fervor inflame your righteous indignation in my life.
11. Any evil power that is on assignment to exploit me with vengeance, I raise a standard of God against you.
12. My flesh, I command you to die to self indulgence in the name of Jesus.
13. All devotion that has been superficial to God in my life, come alive and become real in the name of Jesus.
14. I shall not become a prey for incubus spirit in the name of Jesus.
15. Every insatiable sexual craving, bow down to the power of Jesus in my life in the Mighty name of Jesus.
16. Every chain of sexual perversion in my life, I command you to break now in the name of Jesus.
17. Anything in my life that makes me a slave to evil sexual addiction, loose your position in my life, by the power of the Blood of Jesus.
18. Power of God in my life shall not leak by powerlessness in my body in the name of Jesus.
19. Evil state of desire for seductress/seducer, perish now in the name of Jesus.
20. Constant evil state of sexual desire raising the temperature of my spirit for evil, be turned off now in the name of Jesus.
21. The enemy shall not shave off my glory to take away my strength in the name of Jesus.
22. The crude scissors of evil sexual desire shall not snip away my strong devotion to God.
23. Every forbidden manna in my life, I lose my appetite for you in the name of Jesus.
24. The champion of God in me shall not be sacrificed at the altar of sexual sin in the name of Jesus.
25. The pleasure of sin shall not give way to the wages of sin in my life.
26. I shall not be better blind than with sight in the name of Jesus.
27. The lust of my eye shall not lead me astray in the name of Jesus.
28. The eye massage shall not lead me and the rest of our leaders into temptation and sin in Jesus name.
29. The cruelties of the enemy shall not be better than the kindness of God in my life in the name of Jesus.
30. O Lord, renew every broken current of your love for me and my congregation in the name of Jesus.
31. Father Lord, heal me, my congregations, our leaders in churches and anyone in authority with the Blood of Jesus, from sexual perversion in Jesus name.
31. In this matter, I shall record a great victory in Jesus name.
32. Father Lord, give voice to your power to speak in my life, our elders life, and our congregation in the name of Jesus.
33. Everlasting Father, I thank you for answering my prayer today in Jesus name.
Praise & Worship: 1 Peter 2:9
Scripture Reading: Psalm 11:3
Confession: Isaiah 45:11
We try to turn our churches into a market place, where you can find everything you are looking for, without going to market; so what is wrong with that, you see….!

Beloved, church is a place to worship and glorify God.

God that answers prayer by fire, answer me by fire today in Jesus name.
Everlasting Father, Heal our churches in all nations, our churches are hurting from many problems, Lord Jesus, deliver us from every evil trap in Jesus name.

1. Angels of God go to work on behalf of our church and begin all the necessary spiritual cleansing in the Mighty name of Jesus.
2. Any evil priest chanting against our church, collide with the Rock of Ages.
3. What the enemy is holding against any member of our church shall be challenged by the precious Blood of Jesus.
4. Every leak of power in this church shall be sealed by the Blood of Jesus.
5. You the testimony swallowed, vomit them by the thunder of God.
6. Lord you raised up leaders around Moses to lift up his hand in his time of struggle, use the leaders around our Pastors, Reverends, Evangelist, Apostles, Prophets and Bishops to lift up your work around them in Jesus name.
7. Attack on one is an attack on all, every altar of affliction raised against anyone of us, and our blessings, marriages, businesses, careers, finances, family issues, collapse by the power of prayer in Jesus name.
8. Any evil priest chanting to destroy any member of our church let them collide with the Rock of Ages, in Jesus name.
9. Woe unto anyone chanting against any member of our church daily bread in Jesus name.
10. Father Lord, empower us to succeed in your work in the name of Jesus.
11. Anointing to recognize our time and season, fall upon every member of our church in the Mighty name of Jesus.
12. Anointing to recognize our time and season, fall upon every Believer in the Mighty name of Jesus.
13. Every bad luck and lost opportunities shall be challenged out of our congregants in the Mighty name of Jesus.
14. Anointing to be faithful and diligent in service fall upon us in Jesus name.
15. Troubled water disturbing the peace of our church members dry up now in the Mighty Jesus name.
16. Troubled water disturbing the peace of our Pastors dry up now in Jesus name.
17. You evil power that feeds on testimony, swallow fire of God, and burn to ashes in Jesus name.
18. Every spirit and mark of rejection and hatred upon our church or any member of our church shall be cleansed away by the powerful of the Blood of Jesus.
19. O Lord, give us boldness to challenge all unrighteousness and build up a resistance to satanic pressure to sin in Jesus name.
20. You power behind the throne of problems in our churches, be overthrown in the Mighty name of Jesus.
21. Host of heaven fight the enemy in our churches in Jesus name.
22. As the Lord God gives, all of our dues and entitlements shall be given unto us without any further delays in Jesus name.
23. Father Lord, I thank you for answering my prayer today in Jesus name.
Confession - Isaiah 61:1-3
1 “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn.
3 To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning,The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.”

In natural heritage I was dead in trespasses, for I was brought forth in iniquity and conceived in sin in my mother’s womb; and according to the law I was preserved for the wrath of God that was to be revealed upon the children of disobedience, but now I am God’s handiwork recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew that I may do those good works which God already predestined for me.

Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I, who was once far away have been brought near to God. I am now engrafted in Christ Jesus my Savior, I have become a new creature altogether, the previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away, behold the flesh and new one has come.

Therefore since I am declared righteous and given a right standing with God through faith I have peace with god through Jesus Christ. Now being justified by the blood of Christ how much more that I am now reconciled I shall be saved by Him from the wrath of God to come.

The person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him and therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the dictates of the flesh but after the dictates of the spirit. For the law of our new being which is the law of the spirit of life in Christ has freed me from the law of sin and death.

I am separated by God through the redeeming power in the blood of Jesus Christ my Savior, the author and finisher of my faith from every tie with ancestral covenants, curse and guardian spirits.

My citizenship is now in heaven, I belong to the household of God, my life is hidden with Christ in God, I am washed in the Blood of him who loved me and gave His life for me. He has called me with a holy calling and by His name called.

As it is written: For it is he who delivered and saved me and called me with a calling in itself holy and leading to a life consecration, a separation of holiness. He did it not because of anything of merit that I have done, but because of any to further His own purpose and grace which was given me in Christ Jesus.

As it were, I am now cut off from the consequences, I am physically and spiritual separated from their dos and don’ts. I no longer belong to any generation upon whom God could visit the sins of their fathers. Christ has redeemed me from such curses of the law I cannot labor any longer under the weight of such yokes and burden: I have received the yoke of Christ which is easy and his burden which is light.

Therefore every interference of household wickedness and ancestral spirit disturbances in my life and in my ministry is a transgression against the covenant promises of God concerning me: For it is written; touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.

For this reason, as the God of heaven lives let every manifestation and exhibition of rebellion from the ancestral and family spirits received the undiluted anger of my God who is a consuming fire.

For it is written that it is a righteous thing for God to repay tribulation for those that trouble me therefore, let every association of wicked spirits assembled against me be shattered by God let their hold on my life and ministry be broken, let their projections return back to them, let their plotting, scheming, maneuvering and operation receive divine frustration and let their wickedness come to an end in my life.

I reject every evil family ancestral name, I renounce and reject their praise poems ever sung for me, I break the power of any evil dedication ever placed on my head, every pledge, vow promise or covenant ever made on my behalf with these spirit I renounce, reject them, and cut myself off from them with the blood of Christ from all their evil consequences.

From henceforth, let no ancestral of evil family spirit have any hold on me and my ministry, let them not have any entry point into my life for now I bear in my body the marks of the blood of the Lamb of God who has paid the price for my life and has bought me to belong to Himself eternally.